
What is a Workspace User Admin?

The Workspace User Admin (WUA) functionality was created to allow Portal Admins in Webdashboard to  make other users sub-admins of just one particular workspace and its set of reports. As an example, a portal admin can decide which managers (or customer admins) to add as WUA, and these managers can add people from their own teams. 

Workspace user admin functionality contains the following features

  • Portal Admin can assign a user the role Workspace User Admin (WUA) on one or more Webdashboard workspaces
  • Portal Admin can see the users that have the WUA role in User Management
  • Portal Admin can see per WUA what workspaces they manage in User management
  • Portal Admin can see the users a WUA gave access to
  • A WUA can add users to specific Workspace
  • A WUA can Remove users from a specific Workspace
  • Licenses will autoscale down/up when adding or removing users by a WUA

How to enable WUA

Only a portal admin can enable WUA. You naviagte to Settings -> Settings and check the box. The Portal admin must approve the automatically scaling up/down of the licenses.

How to add a Workspace User Admin?

Adding a Workspace user admin works through a Webdashboard Group. You assign a Workspace User Admin to a Group and assign this group to a workspace. All the users the Workspace User Admin manages will be added to this group. This way a Portal Admin can see which users the Workspace User Admin manages. If you don't see the tab, make sure you enabled WUA in the Portal Settings.
  • Step 1: Create a new Webdashboard group in Group Management
  • Step 2: Edit the group
  • Step 3: Open the Workspace User Admin tab
  • Step 4: Add the Workspace user admins
  • Step 5: Now configure the Member invitation settings. Choose if the WUA will invite users through E-mail addresses or manages an External Identity Provider.
    Keep in mind:
        - You can filter which E-mail addresses a WUA can invite by domain
        - A WUA can manage one Identity Provider per group, but you can add a WUA to multiple groups. 

    The image above let's a WUA invite people by email adress, but they have to end with
  • Step 6: Then open Workspace security and add this group to all the Workspaces you want the WUA to manage. Please note: If you want a WUA to be able to add different users to the workspaces they manage, you need to create groups for every different user combination (steps 1-5)

Check you settings

Navigate to User Management. Search for the user you added as WUA and hover over WUA icon on the user card to see which Workspaces he manages.
Naviagte to Group Management. Hover the WUA icon to see which Workspaces this group is connected to.

Worskpace admin experience

When a WUA opens Webdashboard the workspaces they can manage are clearly marked with the workspace security icon.
When clicking, the WUA will see the users they have given access. Here they can remove or add a user.